第 38 卷第 2 期Vol. 38 No. 2
2008 年 4 月Apr 2008


李海峰,杨希志,王俊峰 (大庆油田化工有限公司 技术开发研究院,黑龙江 大庆 163453)
摘 要:以联苯和一氧化碳为原料,Lewis 酸为催化剂羰基化合成4-甲酰基联苯,利用红外光谱、核磁共振及液相色谱等方法对产品进行结构表征。考察了催化剂及反应温度等条件对4-甲酰基联苯收率的影响。优惠条件为:以三氯化铝为主催化剂,氯化亚铜为助催化剂,反应温度在45~50℃,反应时间24 h,n(联苯) ∶ n(甲酰氯)=1 ∶ 1.5,m(三氯化铝) ∶ m(联苯)=1.3 ∶ 1,此条件下4-甲酰基联苯的收率可达70%。
中图分类号:TQ241.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2008)02- 0038-02
Synthesis of 4-Biphenylbenzaldehyde
LI Hai-feng,YANG Xi-zhi, WANG Jun-feng (Technology R&D Institution,Chemical Co. of Daqing Oilfield,Daqing 163453,China)
Abstract:Carbonization synthesis of 4-biphenylbenzaldehyde was made with biphenyl and carbon monoxide as raw material in the presence of Lewis acid catalyst. The structure of the product was characterized by infrared spectrum,nuclear magnetic resonance and liquid chromatography. The effects of catalyst and reaction temperature upon the yield of 4-biphenylbenzaldehyde were being investigated. The optimal conditions were as follow:aluminium trichloride as main catalyst,cuprous chloride as help catalyst reaction temperature 15~50℃,mass ratio of aluminium trichloride and biphenyl 1.3 ∶ 1. The yield of 4-biphenylbenzaldehyde could reach 70% under the optimal condition.
Key words:4-biphenylbenzaldehyde;biphenyl;carbonylation;catalyst
作者简介:李海峰(1974 -),男,广东东莞人,工程师,硕士。(E-mail:richard00700@hotmail.com)