第 38 卷第 3 期Vol. 38 No. 3
2008 年 6 月Jun 2008


汪春梅,欧阳贵平,陈 琨,任志尧,杨金志 (贵州大学 精细化工研究开发中心,贵州 贵阳 550025)
摘 要:综述了替莫唑胺作用机理、给药方式、合成方法、衍生物的合成及生物活性,对其合成方法和衍生物的生物活性进行分析比较发现,5-重氮基咪唑-4-甲酰胺与异氰酸甲酯反应是较好的合成替莫唑胺方法,8-位酰胺类衍生物有较好的肿瘤抑制作用。
中图分类号:TQ236  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2008)03- 0001-05
Progress on the Antitumour Drag:Temozolomide
WANG Chun-mei,OUYANG Gui-ping,CHENG Kun,REN Zhi-yao,YANG Jin-zhi (Center for Research and Development of Fine Chemicals,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China)
Abstract:The action mechanism,administral approaches, synthesis methods and biological activity of temozolomide derivatives were summarized in this article. It was found by comparison that synthesis of temozolomide from the reaction of 5-diazoimidazole -4-carboxamide with methyl isocyanatewas was a good way, and 8-carboxamide derivative of temozomide had the higher inhibitory activity against tumour.
Key words:temozolomide;activity mechanism;synthesis;derivative;biological activity
联 系 人:欧阳贵平(1961-),男,贵州安顺人,教授,硕士生导师,主要从事应用有机化学研究。(E-mail:oygp710@126.com)
收稿日期: 2008-02-1