第 38 卷第 3 期Vol. 38 No. 3
2008 年 6 月Jun 2008


李凤飞 (株洲选矿药剂厂,湖南 株洲 412005)
摘 要:针对目前国内草酸生产成本高、工艺复杂等缺点,开展了葡萄糖氧化制草酸的工艺研究。以蔗糖、葡萄糖等碳水化合物为原料,在硫酸、硝酸和水的混合物为氧化介质的反应体系中氧化为草酸。在优化工艺条件下:硫酸的浓度为50%,反应温度60~65℃,m(葡萄糖) ∶ m(硝酸)=1 ∶ 3.2,催化剂的加入量为0.05%(以葡萄糖计,m/m),加料时间6 h,母液循环使用。每吨葡萄糖可产草酸1.65~1.75 t,收率达90%以上。
中图分类号:TQ225.14+2  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2008)03- 0054-03
Preparation of Oxalic Acid through Glucose Oxidation
LI Feng-fei (Zhuzhou Flotation Reagents Factory,Zhuzhou 412005,China)
Abstract:To solve the problems such as high production cost and complicated process of oxalic acid,preparation of oxalic acid via glucose oxidation was investigated. Oxalic acid was prepared via oxidation from the carbohydrates such as cane sugarand glucose in reaction mixing medium of sulfuric acid,nitric acid and water. The best process conditions were obtained as follow:sulfuric acid concentration 50%,reaction temperature 60~65℃,m(glucose) : m(nitric acid)=1 : 3.2,amount of catalyst 0.05%(glucose,m/m),charge time 6 h and cycling use of mother liquid. 1.65~1.75 ton of oxalic acid can be produced per ton of glucose with more than 90% of yield.
Key words:oxidation;glucose;oxalic acid