第 38 卷第 3 期Vol. 38 No. 3
2008 年 6 月Jun 2008


周 芸,周菊峰,陶李明,伍跃东,叶丽娟 (湘南学院 化学与生命科学系,湖南 郴州 423000)
摘 要:在碱性条件下,氯甲基化聚苯乙烯与丁二酰亚胺反应合成了聚(对乙烯基苄基丁二酰亚胺)树脂(简称为丁二酰亚胺树脂),采用元素分析、红外光谱对合成树脂的组成进行了表征。并考察了该树脂在酯水解反应中的催化活性。结果表明,在合成反应12 h后,树脂增重最多,其中氮含量为4.08 %,残余氯含量为2.51 %,IR谱图中1 640 cm-1处出现较强酰胺羰基峰。在催化酯水解反应中,酸收率均大于85 %,且催化稳定性好。
Synthesis of Poly(p-vinylbenzyl succinimide) Resin and Its Catalytic Activity in Ester Hydrolysis Reaction
ZHOU Yun,ZHOU Ju-feng,TAO Li-ming,WU Yue-dong,YE Li-juan (Department of Chemistry and Biological Science,Xiangnan University,Chenzhou 423000,China)
Abstract:Poly(p-vinylbenzyl succinimide) resin,which can be abbreviated to succinimide resin,was prepared by the reaction of chloromethylated polystyrene with succinimide in the presence of base. The succinimide resin was characterized by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectrometry and elemental analysis. The catalytic activity of the succinimide resin for hydrolysis of esters was studied. Our results indicated that succinimide resin with 4.08 % nitrogen content,2.51% residual chlorine content and maximal value in weight was reached by reacting 12 h,it was found stronger peak of amide carbonyl group in IR spectra at 1 640 cm-1. It showed good catalytic stability in the hydrolysis of esters,yield of acids were all more than 85 %.
Key words:poly (p-vinylbenzyl succinimide) resin;synthesis;catalysis;hydrolysis of ester
作者简介:周 芸(1968-),女,湖南耒阳人,副教授,主要从事有机合成和功能高分子研究。(E-mail:zhouyun1996@163.com)