第 38 卷第 4 期Vol. 38 No. 4
2008 年 8 月Aug 2008


黄朋勉,杨道武,陈 平,李丽峰,黄灵芝 (长沙理工大学 化学与生物工程学院,湖南 长沙 410076)
摘 要:5-氨基-1-羟乙基吡唑是第四代硫酸头孢噻利的C-3位侧链,研究其合成路线并进行优化对降低硫酸头孢噻利成本具有重要的意义。分析了其反应机理、影响反应的各种因素,优化后的合成条件为:反应温度90℃,n(β-羟乙基肼) ∶ n(3-甲氧基丙烯腈)=2 ∶ 1。此条件下产品纯度95.1%,收率53.1%。产品用质谱、核磁共振进行了表征。
中图分类号:TQ463+.53  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2008)04- 0028-03
The Synthesis of 5-Amino-1- hydroxyethylpyrazole
HUANG Peng-mian,YANG Dao-wu,CHEN Ping,LI Li-feng,HUANG Ling-zhi (College of Chemical and Biological Engineering,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410076,China)
Abstract:5-Amino-1- hydroxyethylpyrazole is the C-3 side-chain of cefoselis sulfate. The optimization of its synthesis route is important in reducing the cost of cefoselis sulfate. Through analysis the reaction mechanism and influential factors,it was found that the optimial reaction condition is that the temperature was 90℃ and the mole ratio of 2-hydrazzinoethaoland 3-methoxyacrylonitrile was 2 ∶ 1.
Key words:5-amino-1- hydroxyethylpyrazole;cefoselis sulfate;synthesis
作者简介:黄朋勉(1972-),男,湖南靖州人,博士,主要从事药物及中间体的研究。(E-mail: huangpengmian@126.com)