第 38 卷第 4 期Vol. 38 No. 4
2008 年 8 月Aug 2008


刘 洋,李 帅,廖蓉苏,陈红艳 (北京林业大学 材料科学与技术学院 北京 100083)
摘 要:在稀碱条件下,由糠醛和丙酮经羟醛缩合反应可制备亚糠基丙酮。通过对影响亚糠基丙酮质量和收率的主要因素原料配比、反应温度、碱浓度、反应时间等单因素实验,探索出合成亚糠基丙酮的优化反应条件为:原料配比n(糠醛) ∶ n(丙酮)=1.0 ∶ 1.0、反应温度40℃、氢氧化钠溶液浓度为0.10 mol/L、反应时间5 h。产品收率30.2%,纯度达98%以上,并用红外光谱和气相色谱-质谱对产品进行了表征。
中图分类号:O621.3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2008)04- 0044-03
Synthesis Technology of 4-(2-Furyl)3-buten-2-one
LIU Yang,LI Shuai,LIAO Rong-su,CHEN Hong-yan (College of Material Science and Technology,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract:In alkaline condition,the aldolic condensation reaction of furfural on acetone gives the 4-(2-furyl)3-buten-2-one. The factors which mostly affect the quality and output of the product including molar proportion of reagents,reaction temperature,alkaline concentration and reaction time are analyzed. After orthogonal experiment,it is concluded that the optimized reaction condition is that acetone and furfural are charged with equal molar quantities at 40℃ with sodium hydroxide(0.10 mol/L)and the operation time 5 h. In addition,IR and GC/MS are used to confirm the product.
Key words:4-(2-furyl)3-buten-2-one;aldolic condensation;furfural;acetone
作者简介:刘 洋(1986-),女,山西运城人,研究方向:林产化工。( E-mail:lyly-728@163.com)
联 系 人:廖蓉苏,女,教授。(E-mail:liaorongsu@163.com)