第 38 卷第 4 期Vol. 38 No. 4
2008 年 8 月Aug 2008


辜高龙 (江西省化工研究所 精细化工室,江西 南昌,330029)
摘 要:介绍了环氧氯丙烷合成新工艺:在催化剂和添加剂存在下,甘油与工业盐酸反应制得二氯丙醇,然后二氯丙醇与碱反应制得环氧氯丙烷产品。研究了主要因素对工艺的影响。优化条件为:在5#催化剂和添加剂存在下,甘油氯代反应温度为115±2℃,回流比为1∶3;环氧化反应温度为90℃,反应时间为15 min。在此条件下总收率(以甘油计)为84.6%,产品含量≥99.5%。
中图分类号:TQ223.2+6  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2008)04- 0049-04
A New Synthetic Procedure of Epichlorohydrin from Glycerol and Industrial Hydrochloric Acid
GU Gao-long (Department of Fine Chemistry, Jiangxi Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Nanchang 330029,China)
Abstract:A new synthetic procedure of epichlorohydrin was described. Epichlorohydrin was synthesized from alkali and glycerol dichlorohydrin which was synthesized from glycerol and industrial hydrochloric acid in the presence of catalyst and additive. The chief factors affecting on the result of new synthesis were investigated. Suitable conditions were obtained as follow:in the presence of 5# catalyst and additive,the chlorating reaction temperature of glycerol was 115±2℃,the reflux ratio 1∶3,the epoxidation temperature 90℃ and time 15 min. Under the suitable conditions,the overall yield (by glycerol) was 84.6% and the content of product was over 99.5%.
Key words:epichlorohydrin;glycerol;industrial hydrochloric acid;glycerol dichlorohydrin;sythesis