第 39 卷第 1 期Vol. 39 No. 1
2009 年 2 月Feb 2009


周锦萍,胡佩玉 (湖南海利化工股份公司,湖南 长沙 410007)
摘 要:采用高效液相色谱法测定丁硫克百威含量,并求出了不确定度值。按照分析丁硫克百威含量的企业标准,用外标法进行测定,建立了相应的数学模型,确定了分析过程中引起不确定度的各个分量。并予以计算得出结论:分析丁硫克百威含量的不确定度主要由3个部分组成,即标准品与样品溶液的配制;丁硫克百威标准品的纯度;标准品溶液及样品溶液中丁硫克百威的峰面积。
中图分类号:O655.7+2  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2009)01- 0068-03
Analyse Uncertainty in Measurement of Carbosulfan Content
ZHOU Jin-ping,HU Pei-yu (Hunan Haili Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.,Changsha 410007,China)
Abstract:Carbosulfan content was measured by HPLC,and the value of uncertainty was calculated. A mathematical model was built up and the various factors were determined by applying external standard method. It was concluded that the uncertainty consists of three parts: preparation of the standard solution and the sample solution,purity of carbosulfan standard, chromatographic peak area of carbosulfan in the standard solution and the sample.
Key words:HPLC;carbosulfan;uncertainty