第 39 卷第 2 期 |  | Vol. 39 No. 2 | 2009 年 4 月 | Apr 2009 |
新型喹喔啉铱(Ⅲ)配合物的微波合成及其光致发光 |
潘 彤,宁静恒,蔡红革
(长沙理工大学 化学与生物工程学院,湖南 长沙 410004) |
摘 要:采用微波辐射方法,由2-苯基喹喔啉(PQ)与水合三氯化铱(IrCl3·H2O)反应,合成了一种新型三环喹喔啉铱配合物[Ir(PQ)3](PQ=2-苯基喹喔啉),通过1H NMR、元素分析和质谱方法对配合物进行了表征,并研究了配合物的紫外吸收光谱和光致发光光谱。结果表明,配合物Ir(PQ)3在476 nm和607 nm处存在单线态1MLCT(金属到配体的电荷跃迁)和三线态3MLCT的吸收;在625 nm处有较强的金属配合物三线态的磷光发射,是一种新型红色三线态磷光材料。 |
关键词:金属铱配合物;微波合成;光致发光 |
中图分类号:O621 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2009)02- 0050-03 |
Microwave-assisted Synthesis and Photoluminescence of a Novel Iridium(III)Quinoxaline Complex |
PAN Tong,NING Jing-heng,CAI Hong-ge
(School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering,Changsha Unversity of Science and Technology,Changsha 410004,China) |
Abstract:A novel cyclometalated iridium(III)quinoxaline complex with the formula Ir(PQ)3(PQ=2-phenylquinoxaline)was prepared by microwave assisted synthesis. The complex was characterized by elemental analysis,1H NMR and mass spectroscopy. The complex showed strong 1MLCT(singlet metal to ligand charge-transfer)and 3MLCT (triplet metal to ligand charge-transfer)absorption at 476 nm and 607 nm, respectively. It also showed strong photoluminescence at 625 nm at room temperature. The results suggested the complex be a promising triplet phosphorescent material. |
Key words:iridium quinoxaline complex;microwave-assisted synthesis;photoluminescence |
作者简介:潘 彤(1969-),女,安徽合肥人,讲师,硕士,主要从事高分子合成和功能材料研究。(E-mail:pantong1218@163.com)