第 39 卷第 2 期 |  | Vol. 39 No. 2 | 2009 年 4 月 | Apr 2009 |
复合聚铁絮凝剂FPAS处理造纸中段废水的实验研究 |
高 飞1,2,刘卫海*2,李科林1,曹金艳2,肖剑波1,石 岩2,王利丹2,陶 艳2
(1. 中南林业科技大学 资源与环境学院,湖南 长沙 410004;2. 湖南化工研究院 国家农药创制工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410004) |
摘 要:用复合聚铁絮凝剂FPAS处理造纸厂中段废水。考察了酸度、絮凝剂投放量、助剂投放量、搅拌速度、沉降时间对化学需氧量(COD)去除率的影响。确定优惠混凝条件:当待处理液pH在6.0~9.0之间,FPAS产品稀释液投放量为4 mL/L,搅拌速度为120 r/min,搅拌时间为3 min,加入3.5 mL 1.5‰(m/m)助凝剂,继续搅拌4 min,沉降10 min后,COD去除率可达88%左右,优于传统的絮凝剂。该方法工艺简单、易于操作管理,有实际应用的价值。 |
关键词:混凝沉降;造纸中段废水;水处理;FPAS;聚合硫酸铁 |
中图分类号:TQ314 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2009)02- 0056-04 |
Research on the Treatment of Paper Mill Midcourse Wastewater with Coagulants FPAS |
GAO Fei1,2,LIU Wei-hai*2,LI Ke-lin1,CAO Jin-yan2,XIAO Jian-bo1,SHI Yan2,WANG Li-dan2,TAO Yan2
(1. Central South Univercity of Forestry and Technology,College of Source and Environment,Changsha,410004,China;2. National Engineering Research Center of Agrochemical,Hunan Chemical Research Academy,Changsha,410004,China) |
Abstract:Treatment of paper mill midcourse wastewater with coagulant FPAS was studied. The effects of acidity,amounts of coagulant and additives,stirring speed,stirring time and settling time on COD removal rate were evaluated. Results showed that under conditions of pH 6.0~9.0,FPAS diluent concentration 4 mL/L,stirring speed 120 r/min,stirring time 6 min,followed by addition of 3.5 mL of 1.5‰ additive(m/m)and stirring another 4 min and 10 min of settling time,the removal of COD reached around 88%,which was much better than that achieved by using the traditional coagulant. This process is simple and of practical importance. |
Key words:coagulation and settlement;paper mill midcourse wastewater;water treatment;FPAS;polymeric ferric sulfate |
作者简介:高 飞(1982-),男,辽宁葫芦岛人,硕士研究生,研究方向:水处理技术。(E-mail:gaofei505@126.com)
联 系 人:刘卫海,男,高级工程师,主要从事水处理化学品研究。(E-mail:liuweihai2192@163.com)