第 39 卷第 4 期Vol. 39 No. 4
2009 年 8 月Aug 2009


张 丽,刘怀金,阎建辉*,彭 中,顾磊磊,杜还宇,周仕达 (湖南理工学院 化学化工系,湖南 岳阳 414006)
摘 要:研究聚酰胺层析柱分离纯化姜黄素类化合物的工艺条件。通过不同条件下聚酰胺树脂对姜黄素类化合物的吸附与解吸特性的研究,确定了聚酰胺树脂对姜黄素类化合物的的优化精制工艺为:1 g聚酰胺湿法装柱吸附16.3 mg样品,在室温和解吸流速为1.5 mL/min时,水洗,然后用20 mL 80%乙醇溶液洗脱。在此条件下,姜黄素的含量达到5.03%。聚酰胺树脂对姜黄素纯化效果好,总姜黄素含量高,产品安全。
中图分类号:R258.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2009)04- 0025-03
Study on the Purification of Curcumins from Curcuma longa L. with Polyamide Resin
ZHANG Li,LIU Huai-jin,YAN Jian-hui*,PENG Zhong,GU Lei-lei,DU Huan-yu,ZHOU Shi-da (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hunan Institute of Science and Technology,Yueyang 414006,China)
Abstract:Separation of curcumins from Curcuma longa L. was studied. Optimum conditions were obtained based on the absorption and desorption of crude curcumins on polyamide resin (PAR) column. A sample of 16.3 mg was loaded onto 1 g of PAR column. The column was stripped with water followed by ethanol-water(80 ∶ 20)at room temperature at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The curcuma was obtained in 5.03% yield.
Key words:curcumins;polyamide resin;purification
作者简介:张 丽(1974-),女,甘肃庆阳人,讲师,硕士。研究方向:生物化工。
联 系 人:阎建辉,男,教授。研究方向:天然产物及功能材料。(E-mail:yanjh58@163.com)