第 39 卷第 4 期Vol. 39 No. 4
2009 年 8 月Aug 2009


杨荣华,张盼强 (泰山医学院 化学与化学工程学院,山东 泰安 271016)
摘 要:利用工业生产RT培司过程中产生的废料,采用溶剂萃取、重结晶等方法将其中的吩嗪分离提取,使其纯度达到99.5%以上。以吩嗪为原料合成吩嗪硫酸甲酯,经提纯得到纯度98%以上的产品。研究了RT培司废料处理及提纯吩嗪的方法,以及吩嗪硫酸甲酯合成的优化工艺条件。该研究能够减少“三废”污染,提高废料利用价值,降低合成吩嗪硫酸甲酯的成本。
中图分类号:TQ463+.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2009)04- 0030-04
Study on Synthesis of Phenazine Methyl Sulfate by Use of Waste from the Production of RT Base
YANG Rong-hua,ZHANG Pan-qiang (Department of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering,Taishan Medical College,Tai'an 271016,China)
Abstract:Phenazine with high purity above 99.5% was separated from waste of industrial production of RT base by solvent extraction and recrystallization. Phenazine methyl sulfate was synthesized from this phenazine with a purity of above 98%. Technical parameters for the separation and purification of phenazine from the waste and synthesis of phenazine methyl sulfate were studied. The process can reduce wastes pollution, improve waste recyclization and reduce costs.
Key words:RT Base;phenazine;phenazine methyl sulfate;waste
收稿日期: 2009-06-0