第 39 卷第 4 期Vol. 39 No. 4
2009 年 8 月Aug 2009


谢山岭1,2,朱瑞芝1,3,任卓英1,牟定荣1,朱雄伟1,缪明明4,王 凯1,3* (1. 红塔烟草(集团)有限责任公司技术中心,云南 玉溪 653100;2. 云南大学 化学科学与工程学院,云南 昆明 650091;3. 湖南大学 化学化工学院,湖南 长沙 410082;4. 云南烟草科学研究院 云南 昆明 650106)
摘 要:比较了分别添加海泡石和壳聚糖的卷烟复合滤咀对主流烟气中低分子醛酮类化合物和其它有害物质(如焦油、一氧化碳等)的吸附效果。研究结果表明:海泡石和壳聚糖对主流烟气中低分子醛酮类化合物均有较好的吸附作用;壳聚糖对主流烟气中醛酮类化合物的吸附能力优于海泡石,且对焦油、烟碱无明显影响,具有选择性吸附效果,其抽吸品质有所改善,口感柔和,烟气刺激性降低。
中图分类号:0647;X795  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2009)04- 0057-04
Comparative Study on Adsorption of Low Molecular Aldehydes and Ketones in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke by Sepiolite and Chitosan
XIE Shan-ling1,2,ZHU Rui-zhi1,3,REN Zhuo-ying1,MOU Ding-rong1,ZHU Xiong-wei1,MIAO Ming-ming4,WANG Kai1,3* (1. R&D Center of Hongta Tobacco (Group) Co.,Ltd.,Yuxi 653100,China;2. College of Chemical Science and Technology,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China;3. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China;4. Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Science,Kunming 650106,China)
Abstract:The adsorptions of low molecular aldehydes and ketones and other harmful substances in mainstream cigarette smoke by the filter tips filled with sepiolite and chitosan have been compared. Both adsorbents showed good adsorbability for low molecular carbonyls. Chitosan had better selective adsorption for carbonyls than sepiolite with no influences on tar and nicotine. The taste of cigarette could be improved because of the decrease of irritation.
Key words:sepiolite;chitosan;mainstream cigarette smoke;aldehydes and ketones
联 系 人:王 凯,讲师,博士,研究方向:有机化学,烟草化学。(E-mail:27922573@163.com)