第 31 卷第 6 期Vol. 31 No. 6
2001 年 12 月Dec 2001


盘永才; 魏达铭(永州职业技术学院; 湖南永州)
摘 要:利用有机硅油和丙烯酸酯共聚合成防水拒水织物一次性涂胶 ,并用于制作羽绒衣、风衣、雨伞等制品的防水拒水织物的一次性涂布处理 ,结果表明 :该产品各项技术和使用效果均达到进口同类产品水平
关键词:有机硅; 共聚; 防水织物; 涂胶
中图分类号:O627.41  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2001)06-0041-02
The Preparation and Application of Organic Silicic Water-repellent Fabric Gelation
PAN Yong cai; WEI Da ming (Yongzhou Vocational Technical College; Yongzhou 425000; China)
Abstract:With the copylymerization of organic silicic and acrylate, the one off gelatin, which was used to produce water repellent fabric, was made, the results showed that the technology targets and application effect of the one off gelatin were good as that of import product.
Key words:organic silicic; copolymerization; water repellent fabric gelation