第 39 卷第 6 期Vol. 39 No. 6
2009 年 12 月Dec 2009


孙孟展 (浙江医药高等专科学校 药学系,浙江 宁波 315100)
摘 要:在微波辐射下,甲基咪唑与1-氯丁烷、四氟硼酸钠3组分一步合成得到离子液体[Bmim]BF4,结构经1H NMR,IR表征。用单因素实验法得到了适宜反应条件:微波功率225 W,反应时间15 min,n(1-氯丁烷) ∶ n(四氟硼酸钠) ∶ n(甲基咪唑)=1.1 ∶ 1.5 ∶ 1。此条件下,离子液体[Bmim]BF4的收率为92.3%。该方法后处理简单,收率高,反应时间短,且采用一步法合成,简化了工艺过程和操作步骤,有利于工业化生产。
关键词:微波辐射; [Bmim]BF4离子液体; 一步法; 合成
中图分类号:O643  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2009)06- 0037-03
One-step Synthesis of Imidazole-based Ionic Liquids under Microwave Irradiation
SUN Meng-zhan (Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College,Ningbo 315100, China)
Abstract:Ionic liquid [Bmim]BF4 was synthesized from 1-methyl-1H-imidazole,1-chlorobutane and NaBF4 under microwave irradiation in a solvent free system in one step. The product was confirmed with 1H NMR and IR. The results showed the optimal reaction conditions as follows: microwave power 225 W,reaction time 15 min,n(1-chlorobutane) ∶ n(NaBF4) ∶ n(N-methylimidazolium)=1.1 ∶ 1.5 ∶ 1. The reaction afforded the product in 92.3% yield. The advantages of this process include short reaction time,simple work-up operation,low cost and easy to be scaled up.
Key words:microwave irradiation;[Bmim]BF4 ionic liquid;one-step method;synthesis