第 31 卷第 6 期Vol. 31 No. 6
2001 年 12 月Dec 2001


徐晓波; 周晓红(巨化集团技术中心; 浙江衢州)
摘 要:研究了配比、结晶反应温度及升温速度、结晶反应时间对产品质量和收率的影响。实验结果 :胺酸比 (H2 HCN∶H2 SO4 )为 1∶0 .5、结晶反应温度 2 0~ 30℃及升温速度 3℃ /h、结晶反应时间 4d ,产物含量 98 5 0 % ,收率 70 %
关键词:甲基异脲硫酸盐; 单氰胺; 甲基异脲; 制备
中图分类号:TQ226  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2001)06-0023-01
Preparation of Methyl Isourea Sulfate
XU Xiao bo; ZHOU Xiao hong (Technology Centre Under Juhua Group; Zhejiang Quzhou 324004; China)
Abstract:The effects of ratio, reaction temperature and time, velocity of temperature increasing on the production yield and quality have been studied. The experiment shows that an optimum condition is the molecular ratio of cyanamide to acid. Their ratio is (n (H 2NCN)∶n(H 2SO 4)=1∶0.5), the reaction temperature and time is 20~30℃ and 4 days respectively, the velocity of temperature increasing is 3℃/h.
Key words:methy1 isourea sulfate; cyanamide; methy1 isourea preparation research