第 40 卷第 4 期Vol. 40 No. 4
2010 年 8 月Aug 2010


李志松,易卫国 (湖南化工职业技术学院 化学工程系,湖南 株洲 412005)
摘 要:对从玉米芯制备糠醛进行了研究。玉米芯水解催化剂为5%(m/m)的稀硫酸溶液,在100℃回流反应3.5 h,戊糖收率可达64.5%(以多缩戊糖计)。上述酸性水解液在170℃、甲苯存在下,反应蒸馏3 h,糠醛收率达到85%(以戊糖计)。蒸出液经精制,制得糠醛。与一步法相比,糠醛收率提高5%~8%(以原料玉米芯计),并且反应时间缩短,水蒸汽的用量减少。
中图分类号:TQ251.1+1  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2010)04-0053-03
Study on Furfural Preparation from Corn Cob
LI Zhi-song,YI Wei-guo (Hunan Chemical Industry Professional Technology College,Zhuzhou 412005,China)
Abstract:Furfural was prepared from corn cob. The corn cob was hydrolyzed under catalysis of 5%(m/m) sulfuric acid at 100℃,giving pentose in 64.5% yield(based on pentosan). The above product was further converted into furfural in 85% yield (based on pentose). This technology gives the product in a higher yield with shorter time and lower energy consumption comparing to the one-step process.
Key words:furfural;extractive distillation;reactive distillation