第 41 卷第 2 期Vol. 41 No. 2
2011 年 4 月Apr 2011


莫笑君,熊 晨,彭军勇,王 曦,苏胜培* (湖南师范大学 化学化工学院,资源精细化与先进材料湖南省高校重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410081)
摘 要:制备了一系列含不同碳原子数的强极性咪唑类离子液体([Cnmim]Cl)和弱极性的([Cnmim]PF6),并将其应用于等规聚丙烯(i-PP)熔融接枝丙烯酸(AA),考察了离子液体极性强弱和烷基链碳数对接枝率和副反应的影响。结果表明:强极性的[Cnmim]Cl对接枝率没有明显提高的作用,而弱极性的[Cnmim]PF6可显著提高接枝率,且烷基链越长,AA的接枝率越高;长链烷基咪唑类离子液体可显著降低接枝过程中副反应的发生,[Cnmim]PF6在降低副反应方面的作用优于[Cnmim]Cl。DSC结果表明弱极性的[Cnmim]PF6可以很好对等规PP进行溶解,随烷基碳数和用量的增多,溶解效果越好,强极性的[Cnmim]Cl溶解效果相对差些;相比未接枝PP,接枝物熔融温度较接近,而结晶温度和结晶度都降低。XRD分析结果表明在离子液体作用下所得到的接枝物中没有β晶型的生成。
中图分类号:TQ050.4+3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2011)02-0056-07
The Effects of Long-chain Imidazoliums on the Melt Grafting of i-PP with Acrylic Acid
MO Xiao-jun,XIONG Chen,PENG Jun-yong,WANG Xi,SU Sheng-pei* (The Key Lab for Fine Processing of Resources and Advanced Materials of Hunan College,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
Abstract:A series of imidazoliums([Cnmim]Cl and [Cnmim]PF6)were prepared and applied to the melt grafting of polypropylene with acrylic acid. The effects of the type of anion and the number of alkyl carbon on the grafting degree and side reaction were studied. The results indicated that the [Cnmim]PF6 could increase the grafting degree greatly and the longer the alkyl,the higher the grafting degree. The data of MFR and gel content showed that both [Cnmim]PF6 and [Cnmim]Cl can reduce the side reactions and [Cnmim]PF6 had a better effect. Based on the DSC analysis,[Cnmim]PF6 can swell PP well. A better swell effect can be obtained with a longer chain of alkyl. The melting and crystallization temperature was reduced as well as the crystallization degree. The β-form cannot be produced during the melt grafting.
Key words:PP;acrylic acid;imidazolium;grafting rate
联 系 人: 苏胜培,教授,潇湘学者,研究方向:纳米复合材料。(E-mail:sushengpei@gmail.com)