第 41 卷第 3 期Vol. 41 No. 3
2011 年 6 月Jun 2011


李艳云,尹振晏* (北京石油化工学院 化学工程学院,北京102617)
摘 要:以苯酚、三氯氧磷和氢氧化钠为原料合成了磷酸苯二钠。研究了影响磷酰化、水解及中和反应的因素,优化了反应条件,总收率可达69.2%。磷酰化反应的优化条件为:物料配比n(苯酚)∶n(三氯氧磷)=1.0∶1.1,反应温度130~140℃,反应时间10 h。经减压蒸馏、水解、中和得目标产品,收率90%。目标产品经熔点测定、元素分析和红外光谱表征。该方法已扩大实验,适于工业化。
中图分类号:R446.1  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2011)03-0036-04
Synthesis of Disodium Phenyl Phosphate
LI Yan-yun,YIN Zhen-yan* (College of Chemical Engineering,Beijing Institute of Petro-Chemical Technology,Beijing 102617, China))
Abstract:Disodium phenyl phosphate was synthesized using phenol, phosphorus oxychloride and sodium carbonate as starting materials. Factors influencing the reactions were studied and optimized. The overall yield was 69.2%. Best results of the phosphoryl reaction were obtained at a molar ratio of 1.0:1.1 (phenol:phosphorus oxychloride) and refluxed for 10 h at 130~140℃. The target product was identified by melting point, elemental analysis and IR. This method has been magnified and industrialized.
Key words:phosphoryl;hydrolysis;neutralization;disodium phenyl phosphate
联 系 人: 尹振晏,研究方向:精细化工。(E-mail:yinzhenyan@bipt.edu.cn)