第 41 卷第 3 期 |  | Vol. 41 No. 3 | 2011 年 6 月 | Jun 2011 |
黑液-蒙脱土/聚氯乙烯/丁腈橡胶热塑性弹性体的制备及性能研究 |
杜 鹏,曹仲林,苏胜培*
(湖南师范大学 化学化工学院 资源精细化与先进材料湖南省高校重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410081) |
摘 要:采用蒙脱土对造纸黑液中的木质素进行絮凝沉淀,制备黑液-蒙脱土复合物(BL-MMT),然后将其应用于聚氯乙烯/丁腈橡胶(PVC/NBR)热塑性弹性体,并对其力学性能、耐老化性能及热降解性能进行测试。结果表明:随着BL-MMT中木质素蒙脱土比例增大,热塑性弹性体力学性能先增大后减小,适宜配比m(木质素)∶m(蒙脱土)=1∶1。BL-MMT份数增大,热塑性弹性体力学性能先增大后减小,20份时出现最大值。BL-MMT填充的PVC/NBR热塑性弹性体与添加炭黑和碳酸钙相比,力学性能和热性能相当,而耐老化性能更为优越。黑液-蒙脱土复合物可望用作PVC/NBR热塑性弹性体的补强剂。 |
关键词:黑液;蒙脱土;PVC;NBR;热塑性弹性体 |
中图分类号:TQ333 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2011)03-0043-05 |
Study on Preparation and Properties of Black Liquor Montmorillonite Complex/PVC/NBR Thermoplastic Elastomer |
DU Peng,CAO Zhong-lin,SU Sheng-pei*
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,The Key Laboratory of Resource Fine-processing and Advanced Materials,College of Hunan Province,Changsha 410081,China) |
Abstract:A black liquor-montmorillonite complex (BL-MMT) was prepared by flocculating precipitation of lignin in black liquor with montmorillonite,and applied in the preparation of PVC/NBR thermoplastic elastomer composites. The mechanical properties,aging performance and thermal properties of the PVC/NBR composites were tested. The experimental results indicated that the mechanical properties of BL-MMT/PVC/NBR composites were affected by the loadings and composition of BL-MMT complex. A high performance was achieved at a lignin/MMT ratio of 1∶1. The mechanical properties of BL-MMT/PVC/NBR increase with the loading of BL-MMT up to 20 phr. A comparison study was also performed using carbon black and calcium carbonate as comparative fillers. There is no significant mechanical and thermal property difference among BL-MMT,carbon black and calcium carbonate as fillers for PVC/NBR composites. However,the aging property of BL-MMT/PVC/NBR was the best. All experimental results indicated that BL-MMT could be an effective reinforcing agent in PVC/NBR thermoplastic elastomer. |
Key words:black liquor; montmorillonite; PVC; NBR; thermoplastic elastomer |
作者简介:杜 鹏(1988-),男,湖南永顺人,研究方向:高分子复合材料。(E-mail:543339359@qq.com)
联 系 人:苏胜培,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:高分子复合材料。(E-mail:sushengpei@gmail.corn)