第 41 卷第 3 期 | | Vol. 41 No. 3 | 2011 年 6 月 | Jun 2011 |
Fenton法处理灭多威废水的工艺研究 |
王小宝1,邱德跃2*,张 燕2,熊前政2,臧阳陵2
(1. 海利贵溪化工农药有限公司,江西 贵溪 335425;2. 湖南化工研究院 国家农药创制工程技术研究中心,湖南省农用化学品重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410014) |
摘 要:采用Fenton氧化絮凝-吸附-蒸馏的组合工艺处理灭多威废水,实现了废水的无害化处理及循环套用。考察了组合工艺中Fenton反应优化条件,如投加量、反应初始pH值等,以及不同种类吸附剂的处理效果,处理后废水的循环套用的可行性。结果表明,Fenton试剂氧化处理灭多威废水效果明显,COD去除率达到95%以上,废水颜色由深黄色变为无色。Fenton试剂的优化投加量和反应条件:pH=4、双氧水投料为30 g/L、七水硫酸铁投料量8 g/L。吸附剂为活性炭,投料3 g/L。经处理后的灭多威废水蒸馏后所得的回收物和蒸馏废水均可套用。 |
关键词:灭多威;农药废水处理;Fenton |
中图分类号:TQ085 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2011)03-0067-03 |
Study on Fenton Treatment and Recycling of Methomyl Pesticide Wastewater |
WANG Xiao-bao1,QIU De-yue2*,ZHANG Yan2,XIONG Qian-zheng2,ZANG Yang-ling2
(1. Haili Guixi Chemical Industry Farm Chemical Co.,Ltd.,Guixi 335425,China;2 National Engineering Research Center for Agrochemicals,Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry,Agrochemical key Laboratory of Hunan Provice,Changsha 410014,China) |
Abstract:The techniques of Fenton oxidation,flocculation,adsorption and distillation were combined for the treatment of methomyl wastewater. The removal rate of COD was above 95%,and the water thus obtained was colorless and available for recycle use. The effects of different adsorbents and the conditions of Fenton reaction such as the dosage of the Fenton reagent and the primary pH value of the water were investigated and optimized. |
Key words:methomyl;pesticide wastewater treatment;Fenton |
联 系 人:邱德跃,助理研究员,主要从事有机合成和高分子材料研究。(E-mail: qiudeyue1977@163.com)