第 41 卷第 4 期Vol. 41 No. 4
2011 年 8 月Aug 2011


许海峰,周建波,曾 明,彭学东,蒋银燕* (长沙医学院,湖南 长沙 410219)
摘 要:用磷酸和甲醛在稀醋酸介质中对壳聚糖(CTS)进行N-亚甲基磷酸化改性,得到N-亚甲基磷酸壳聚糖(MPCS),用自制的MPCS在苯或甲苯介质中与有机锡发生反应,合成了3个新的N-亚甲基磷酸壳聚糖有机锡酯化合物:MPCS-SnPh3、MPCS-Sn(PhCH2)3、MPCS-SnBu3。通过IR、13C NMR、TG/DTA和X-ray对其结构和性质进行了表征和测试。杀钉螺实验结果表明,当其浓度在1.00 mg/L以上时,浸杀48 h后,钉螺的死亡率达100%。
中图分类号:0634.4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2011)04-0024-05
Synthesis,Characterization and Molluscicidal Activity of N-Methylene Phosphonic Chitosan Organotin Ester
XU Hai-feng,ZHOU Jian-bo,ZENG Ming,PENG Xue-dong,JIANG Yin-yan* (Changsha Medical College,Changsha 410219,China)
Abstract:N-Methylene phosphonic chitosan (MPCS) was synthesized by the reaction of chitosan with phosphoric acid and formaldehyde in the presence of HAc. Three new MPCS organotin esters,MPCS-SnPh3,MPCS-Sn(PhCH2)3 and MPCS-SnBu3,were further synthesized by the reaction of MPCS with organotin in the presence of benzene or toluene and characterized by IR,13C NMR,TG/DTA and X-ray. The molluscicidal activity tests showed that the oncomelania death rate was 100% at the concentration of MPCS organotin ester above 1.00 mg/L in 48 h of soaking time.
Key words:chitosan;phosphonation;organotin;synthesis;characterization;molluscicidal activity
联 系 人:蒋银燕,讲师,研究方向:生化分离分析技术。(E-mail:jyyhello@126.com)