第 31 卷第 1 期Vol. 31 No. 1
2001 年 2 月Feb 2001


谢维跃; 蒋佑清; 李芸; 陈锋;(湖南轻工研究所;)
摘 要:报道了一步法格氏反应在 β 大马酮合成中的应用 ,采用一步法格氏反应代替传统的两步法格氏反应 ,缩短了反应时间 ,简化了工艺流程 ,从而提高了收率 ,获得了一条适合于工业化生产的合成路线
关键词:格氏反应; β-大马酮; 合成; 应用;
中图分类号:TQ655  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2001)01-0036-02
The Application of One step Grinard Reaction Method in Synthesis of β-Damascone
XIE Wei yue; JIANG You qing; LI Yun; CHEN Feng (Hunan Light Industry Research Institute; Changsha 410015; China);
Abstract:The application of one step Grinard reaction method in synthesis of β Damascone was presented in the paper, especially when the traditional two step Grinard reaction method was replaced by the one step method, the time of reaction was shortened, the technology ws simpiifled, and the yield of production was raised, it was belived that it was a commercial couse of synthesis for β Damascone.
Key words:Grinard reaction; β Damascone; synthesis; application;