第 41 卷第 6 期Vol. 41 No. 6
2011 年 12 月Dec 2011


王元元,高 宁,李辉辉,冯根锋,肖亚平* (南京师范大学 化学与材料科学学院,江苏 南京 210097)
摘 要:通过比较联苯肼酯的4种不同合成方法,选择以对羟基联苯为原料,经甲基化得到4-甲氧基联苯,在路易斯酸的催化下与偶氮二甲酸二异丙酯(DIAD)进行胺化反应,最后选择性脱羧得到联苯肼酯的工艺路线,总收率达12.4%,产品含量98%以上。该路线适合工业化生产。
中图分类号:S482.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2011)06-0008-03
Study on Synthesis of Miticide Bifenazate
WANG Yuan-yuan,GAO Ning,LI Hui-hui,FENG Gen-feng, XIAO Ya-ping* (College of Chemistry and Materials Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
Abstract:Four routes to the synthesis of bifenazate were screened. An efficient and scalable process was obtained starting from the methylation of 4-phenylphenol,followed by the reaction with diisopropyl azodicarcoxylate(DIAD) under catalysis of a Lewis acid,and then selective decarboxylation. The structure of product was confirmed with 1H NMR.
Key words:miticide;bifenazate;synthesis
联 系 人:肖亚平,副教授,主要从事医药中间体的研究。(E-mail:xiaoyaping@njnu.edu.cn)