第 42 卷第 1 期Vol. 42 No. 1
2012 年 2 月Feb 2012


李志松 (湖南化工职业技术学院 化学工程系,湖南 株洲 412004)
摘 要:探讨了电石法PVC生产中的三废治理方法。电石渣浆废水可直接用作乙炔发生器的工艺用水。PVC母液水、聚合釜等设备冲洗水可进行深度处理后回用,高沸塔釜液可采用蒸馏或焚烧法处理,可用沉淀法处理含汞废水。电石渣主要用于建材或用作化学中和剂。可采用变压吸附、膜分离工艺等方法处理氯乙烯精馏塔尾气和PVC干燥尾气等。通过改进电石法PVC的生产工艺,可以大幅度降低三废量。
中图分类号:X7  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2012)01-0010-13
Study on Treatment of Wastes Formed in PVC Production of Calcium Carbide Route
LI Zhi-song (Hunan Chemical Industry Professional Technology College,Zhuzhou 412004,China)
Abstract:Treatment of wastes formed in the PVC production of calcium carbide route was investigated. The waste water from carbide slag may be used directly for the generation of acetylene. The PVC mother solution and equipments washing water can be recycled after deep treatment. Kettle liquid with high boiling point may be treated by distillation or incineration. Waste water containing mercury may be treated by precipitation. The carbide slag is used as building material or chemical neutralizer. Tail gas from vinyl chloride distillation tower and PVC dryer may be treated by pressure swing adsorption and membrane separation.
Key words:calcium carbide route;polyvinyl chloride;wastes
作者简介: 李志松(1966-),男,湖南双峰人,高级工程师,主要从事教学及有机化工产品的研发工作。(E-mail:lizhisong1888@163.com)