第 43 卷第 1 期Vol. 43 No. 1
2013 年 2 月Feb 2013


胡 丹1,荀育军1,刘清泉2 (1. 东莞市汉维新材料科技有限公司,广东 东莞 523525;2. 湖南科技大学 化学化工学院,湖南 湘潭 411201)
摘 要:以硬脂酸和乙二胺为原料在高温下脱水得到乙撑双硬酸脂酰胺产品。研究了硬脂酸种类、反应物料比、催化剂、抗氧剂、反应温度和反应时间对产品的影响。适宜的工艺条件为:n(硬脂酸1840)∶n(乙二胺)=2∶1.15,磷酸与亚磷酸为复配催化剂(硬脂酸质量的0.92%),m(磷酸)∶m(亚磷酸)=3∶10,硼氢化钠做抗氧剂(硬脂酸质量的0.21%),成盐温度100~110℃,成盐时间2 h,脱水温度190~200℃,脱水时间5~6 h,此工艺条件下得到白色产品,m.p.143~150℃。
中图分类号:TQ2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2013)01-0059-04
Research on Synthesis of Ethylenebisstearamide
HU Dan1,XUN Yu-jun1,LIU Qing-quan2 (1. CHNV New Material Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.,Dongguan 523525,China;2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,China)
Abstract:Ethylenebisstearamide(EBS)was prepared by condensation of stearic acid and ethylenediamine at high temperature. The influencing factors on the reaction were investigated and optimized as following:n(stearic acid 1840)∶n(ethylenediamine)=2∶1.15,mixture of phosphoric acid and phosphorous acid as the catalyst (0.92% mass of stearic acid),m(phosphoric acid)∶m(phosphorous acid)=3∶10,sodium borohydride as the antioxidant (0.21% mass of stearic acid),salting temperature 100~110℃,salting time 2 h,dehydration temperature 190~200 ℃,dehydration time 5~6 h. The white product was obtained with melting point of 143~150℃.
Key words:EBS;stearic acid;ethylenediamine
作者简介:胡 丹(1981-),男,湖北孝感人,工程师,硕士,主要从事硬脂酸盐及硬脂酸衍生物的开发应用。(E-mail:hudan0609@yahoo.com.cn)