第 43 卷第 2 期 |  | Vol. 43 No. 2 | 2013 年 4 月 | Apr 2013 |
十八烷基缩水甘油醚的合成及其增容尼龙6/高密度聚乙烯共混体系的研究 |
熊 晨,李 渊,苏胜培*
(湖南师范大学 化学化工学院 资源精细化与先进材料湖南省普通高校重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410081) |
摘 要:利用十八醇和环氧氯丙烷反应合成了十八烷基缩水甘油醚(OGE),并将其作为熔融共混方法中的增容剂,制备了尼龙6(PA6)/高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)共混材料。研究了OGE用量对共混物的热性能、结晶行为、形态结构、力学性能及吸水性的影响。结果表明,OGE促进了HDPE在PA6基体中的分散,在保持共混材料吸水率的同时,有效改善了共混物的力学性能,与未加入增容剂的PA6/HDPE共混物相比,OGE含量为2.9%(m/m)时,共混材料的缺口冲击强度、拉伸模量、断裂伸长率、弯曲强度分别提高了12%、33%、95%、6%,拉伸强度基本保持不变,而弯曲模量下降了8%。 |
关键词:熔融共混;相容性;十八烷基缩水甘油醚;高密度聚乙烯;尼龙6 |
中图分类号:TQ32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2013)02-0060-06 |
Synthesis of Octadecyl Glycidyl Ether and Its Compatibilizing Effect on PA6/HDPE Blends |
XIONG Chen,LI Yuan,SU Sheng-pei*
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Key Lab of Sustainable Resources Processing and Advanced Materials,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China) |
Abstract:Octadecyl glycidyl ether(OGE)was synthesized and used as a melt blending compatibilizer in the preparation of PA6/HDPE blends. Effects of the loading of OGE on the thermal properties,crystallization behavior,morphology,mechanical properties,and water absorption of the blends were studied. Experimental data indicated that OGE could accelerate the crystallization process of HDPE in the blends,enhance the dispersion of HDPE in the PA6 basis as well as the mechanical properties of the blends. Compared to PA6/HDPE blends without OGE,the notched impact strength,tensile modulus,elongation at break and flexural strength of PA6/HDPE blend increased by 12%,33%,95% and 6%,respectively,at a loading of 2.9%(m/m). The tensile strength of the PA6/HDPE blend remained unchanged,but the flexural modulus decreased by 8%. |
Key words:melt blending;compatibility;octadecyl glycidyl ether;high density polyethylene;polyamide 6 |
作者简介:熊 晨(1987-),女,湖北咸宁人,硕士研究生,研究方向:高分子复合材料。(E-mail:hnpchenxiong@gmail.com)
联 系 人:苏胜培,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:高分子复合材料。(E-mail:sushengpei@gmail.com)