第 43 卷第 4 期Vol. 43 No. 4
2013 年 8 月Aug 2013


赵 巍,赵素娟,臧 娜,陈 兴 (中钢集团鞍山热能研究院有限公司 研发中心,辽宁 鞍山 114000)
摘 要:以环戊二烯为原料,使用PdCl3为催化剂,甲苯为溶剂,采用间歇式高压反应釜,常温条件加氢制备环戊烯。采用正交实验对环戊二烯加氢过程进行研究,确定了反应温度、催化剂用量、压力、反应时间等因素对加氢过程的影响。优化工艺条件为:反应温度25℃,催化剂比例1.0%(m/m),压力1.5 MPa,反应时间4 h,此时环戊烯的收率达85.5%。
中图分类号:TQ.221.22+9  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2013)04-0054-03
Study on Preparation of Cyclopentene by Hydrogenation of Cyclopentadiene
ZHAO Wei,ZHAO Su-juan,ZANG Na,CHEN Xing (Sinosteel Anshan Research Institute of Thermo-energy Co.,Ltd,Anshan 114000,China)
Abstract:Cyclopentene was prepared by PdCl3 catalyzed hydrogenation of cyclopentadiene in toluene under pressure at room temperature. The reaction conditions were optimized on basis of orthogonal experiments:reaction temperature of 25℃,load of catalyst of 1.0 %(mass),hydrogen pressure of 1.5 MPa,reaction time of 4 hours. The yield of cyclopentene was 85.5%.
Key words:cyclopentadiene;hydrogenation;orthogonal experiment
作者简介:赵 巍(1982-),男,辽宁鞍山人,工程师,硕士,从事有机合成研究。(E-mail:zhaowei6220@sina.com)