第 43 卷第 5 期Vol. 43 No. 5
2013 年 10 月Oct 2013


雷 萍 (长沙市环境监测中心站, 湖南 长沙 410013)
摘 要:重金属作为一种持久性污染物严重威胁着生态环境和人类健康,发展高效、快速、灵敏的重金属检测手段和分析方法具有很重要的意义。传统的检测技术存在仪器设备昂贵、检测过程繁琐、时性差等缺陷,难以满足当前检测工作的需要。光化学传感器作为一种选择性好、灵敏度高、分析速度快、成本低等多种优点的高新技术化学传感器,能在复杂体系中进行在线连续监测,广泛应用于化学、环境科学、食品和生命科学等领域。综述了近年来常用的光化学传感器及其在环境中重金属检测方面的应用,并对环境中重金属离子检测方法进行了讨论和展望,旨在为重金属污染物检测研究的发展和进步提供参考。
中图分类号:X703.1  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2013)05-0008-06
The Research Progress on Photochemical Sensor for Heavy Metal Detection in the Environment
LEI Ping (Changsha Environmental Monitoring Center,Changsha 410013,China)
Abstract:Heavy metals,which can exist in the environment permanently,can cause serious damage to the ecological environment and to human health. It is important and urgent to establish an efficient,fast and sensitive method for detecting heavy metals. To overcome the shortage of traditional detection techniques which were established on the basis of large instruments,tedious detection process,and poor timeliness,photochemical sensors have been developed and widely used in various fields such as chemistry,environmental science,food and life sciences,due to their high selectivity,sensitivity,quick response,low cost,online and real-time. Herein the development of some commonly used photochemical sensors applied in heavy metal detection was reviewed.
Key words:heavy metal detection;photochemical sensor;environment;research progress
收稿日期: 2013-08-0