第 43 卷第 6 期Vol. 43 No. 6
2013 年 12 月Dec 2013


过学军,黄显超,胡安胜,蔡小林 (安徽广信农化股份有限公司,安徽 广德 242200)
摘 要:探讨了以熔融的苯酚和光气为原料,在少量催化剂作用下,无溶剂合成氯甲酸苯酯的新方法,考察了不同的催化剂、催化剂用量、反应温度及反应时间对反应的影响。在优化反应条件下,产品含量大于98%,平均收率88.33%。该方法后处理简单,避免了大量缚酸剂及溶剂的使用,无工艺废水产生,成本较低,适合工业化生产。
中图分类号:TQ245.2+4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2013)06-0069-02
Solvent-free Synthesis of Phenyl Chloroformate
GUO Xue-jun,HUANG Xian-chao,HU An-sheng,CAI Xiao-lin (Anhui Guangxin Agrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Guangde 242200,China)
Abstract:A new solvent-free method for synthesizing phenol chloroformate via catalytic reaction of molten phenol with phosgene was discussed. The influences of different catalysts,catalyst dosage,reaction temperature and time on the reaction were investigated. The average yield was 88.33%,and the product content was >98% under optimized conditions. This method has the characters of easy work-up,no acid-binding agent and solvent,no wastewater and low costs,which is suitable for industrial production.
Key words:solvent-free method;phenol;phosgene;phenyl chloroformate;synthesis
收稿日期: 2013-11-1