第 44 卷第 1 期 |  | Vol. 44 No. 1 | 2014 年 2 月 | Feb 2014 |
常压催化脱氢法合成2-乙基己酸 |
李文龙,宋 菲,夏至金秋,李艳云*,尹振晏
(北京石油化工学院 化工学院,北京 102617) |
摘 要:常压下,2-乙基己醇与氢氧化钠、在氧化铜催化下,脱除氢气得2-乙基己酸。正交实验考察了影响反应的因素,优化的工艺条件为:物料配比为n(2-乙基己醇)∶n(氢氧化钠)=1.3∶1.0、控制反应在220℃进行2.5 h、催化剂氧化铜用量为3.0%(以2-乙基己醇计,m/m),优化工艺条件下产品收率达80.9%,纯化后的产品经红外光谱、元素分析确证。 |
关键词:2-乙基己醇;2-乙基己酸;常压;催化脱氢;合成 |
中图分类号:TQ643.38 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2014)01-0025-04 |
Synthesis of 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid by Catalytic Dehydrogenation under Atmospheric Pressure |
LI Wen-long,SONG Fei,XIA Zhi-jinqiu,LI Yan-yun*,YIN Zhen-yan
(Chemical Engineering Department,Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Beijing 102617,China) |
Abstract:Under atmospheric pressure,2-ethylhexanoic acid was synthesized from the reaction between 2-ethylhexanol and sodium hydroxide in the presence of copper(II)oxide as the catalyst,followed by dehydrogenation. The effects of ratio of raw materials,reaction time,reaction temperature and catalyst dosage were investigated by orthogonal experiments. Under the optimum reaction conditions with copper(II)oxide of 2.6 g,n(2-ethylhexanol)∶n(sodium hydroxide)=1.3∶1.0,reaction temperature of 220℃ and reaction time of 2.5 h,the product was obtained in 80.9% yield and confirmed with FT-IR spectra and elemental analysis. |
Key words:2-ethylhexanol;2-ethylhexanoic acid;atmospheric pressure;catalytic dehydrogenation;synthesis |
联 系 人: 李艳云,副教授,主要从事精细化工研究。(E-mail:liyanyun@bipt.edu.cn)
收稿日期: 2013-11-1