第 32 卷第 2 期Vol. 32 No. 2
2002 年 4 月Apr 2002


常运亨(湖南天宇农药化工集团有限公司金雁化工厂; 湖南衡阳)
摘 要:报导了以萘作原料 ,通过氯甲基化得α 氯甲基萘 ,再与乌洛托品成盐、水解得α 萘甲醛的合成工艺。采用相转移催化技术 ,使α 氯甲基萘收率提高 ,原料甲醛、盐酸用量减少 ;采用正交实验 ,找到了合成α 萘甲醛较优化反应条件
关键词:α萘甲醛; α氯甲基萘; 相转移催化
中图分类号:TQ241.5+2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2002)02-0027-02
Process for the Preparation of 1-Naphthaldehyde.
Chang Yun heng.(Jinyan Chemical Works; Hengyang 421105; China)
Abstract:A process for the production of 1 naphthaldehydes was provided from naphthaline through blanc chloromethylation,followed by sommelet reaction,and finally hydrolysis.The reaction conditions were easily controlled to give 84% tolal yield
Key words:naphthaldehyde; chloromethylnaphthaline; blanc chloromethylattonl; sommelet reaction