第 32 卷第 2 期Vol. 32 No. 2
2002 年 4 月Apr 2002


杨春霞; 付兴华; 刘思全(济南大学化工学院; 山东济南)
摘 要:采用氨基磺酸作催化剂 ,合成氯乙酸异酯。反应最佳条件为 :异戊醇∶氯乙酸 (摩尔比 )为 1∶1.3,在 100~110℃反应 2h ,氯乙酸异戊酯的收率为 91.4 %
关键词:氯乙酸异戊酯; 催化剂; 合成
中图分类号:TQ225.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2002)02-0024-01
Synthesis of Chloroacetic Acid Isoamyl Ester With Aminosulfonic Acid as Catalyst
Yang Chun xia; et al(School of Chemical Engneering; Jinan University; Jinan 250022; China)
Abstract:Chloroacetic acid isoamyl ester was synthesized with aminosulfonic acid as catalyst from chloroacetic acid and isoamyl alcohol.The optimum operation was that the ratior of isoamyl alcohol and chloroacetic acid was 1∶1.3(mole rate),the reaction temperature about 100~110℃,and time 2h.The yield of the ester was 91.4%.
Key words:chloroacetic acid isoamyl ester; catalyst; synthesis