第 45 卷第 2 期Vol. 45 No. 2
2015 年 4 月Apr 2015


吴俊威 (国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作江苏中心,江苏 苏州 215163)
摘 要:N-烷基化反应是合成精细化工中间体的一种重要工艺,其合成方法很多,所得产品可应用于诸多领域。其中,以卤代烷烃、烷基醇、羧酸酯、磺酸酯作为烷基化试剂的取代N-烷基化反应是非常有用的反应类型,也是近期专利申请的热点课题之一。本文对取代型N-烷基化反应专利技术进行了概述。
中图分类号:O621.2  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2015)02-0001-03
The Patent Overview of Substituted N-Alkylation Reaction
WU Jun-wei (Patent Examination Cooperation Jiangsu Center of the Patent Office, Sipo, Suzhou 215163, China)
Abstract:N-alkylation reaction is very important in the synthesis of fine chemical intermediates. There are many synthesis methods, and the resulting products will be important intermediates which can be used in dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, petrochemicals and other fields. Chemicals including halogenated alkanes, alkyl alcohols, carboxylic ester and sulfonic acid ester are most important alkylating agents for N-alkylation reaction. The N-alkylation reaction is becoming one of the hot topics for recent patent applications.
Key words:N-alkylation reaction; alkylating agent; halogenated alkanes; alkyl alcohols; carboxylic ester; sulfonic acid ester