第 31 卷第 1 期Vol. 31 No. 1
2001 年 2 月Feb 2001


危青; 李桂英; 戴子林;(广州有色金属研究院;)
摘 要:采用相转移催化法以对氯代硝基苯与苯胺直接合成 4 硝基二苯胺 ,找到了优惠工艺条件 ,设计考察了几种精制提纯方案 ,合成产率达到了 96%以上 ,经提纯后 ,产品收率94 .1% ,纯度达到 99%以上
关键词:4-硝基二苯胺; 对氯代硝基苯; 苯胺; 合成;
中图分类号:TQ226.37  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2001)01-0026-03
Study on Synthetic Technology of 4-Nitrodlphenylamine
WEI Qing; LI Gui ying; DAI Zi ling (Guangzhou Research Institute of Non ferrous Metals; Guangzhou 51065; China);
Abstract:Nitrodiphenylamine was synthesized from p chloronitrobenzene and Aniling by the phase transfer catalysis. The optimum operation conditions and purificatory methods were found. The true yield and purity were over 94% and 99%.
Key words:4-Nitrodiphenylamine; Synthesis;