第 45 卷第 2 期Vol. 45 No. 2
2015 年 4 月Apr 2015


周丽萍,叶海伟* (台州职业技术学院 生物与化工学院化学制药研究所,浙江 台州 318000)
摘 要:以戊二酸酐(1)为起始原料,与双(三甲基甲硅烷基)乙炔反应得5-酮-7-三甲硅基-6-炔庚酸(6);6 与甲醇发生酯化反应得5-酮-7-三甲硅基-6-炔庚酸甲酯(4);4 经新型Noyori试剂7 还原制得(S)-5-羟基-7-三甲硅基-6-炔庚酸甲酯(5),关键中间体与产物的结构经1H NMR和MS分析确证。7 用量为5%(n/n)时,e.e值达98%,总收率64%。
中图分类号:TQ223.2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2015)02-0058-03
The Synthesis of (S)-Methyl -5-hydroxy-7-(trimethylsilyl)hept-6-ynoate
ZHOU Li-ping, YE Hai-wei* (Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Department of Biological and Chemical, Taizhou Vocational & Technical College, Taizhou 318000, China)
Abstract:Methyl 5-oxo-7-(trimethylsilyl)hept-6-ynoate(4)was synthesized by the reaction of dihydro-2H-pyran-2,6(3H)-dione(1)with 1,2-bis(trimethylsilyl)ethyne, followed by esterification with methanol. The title compound 5 with 98% ee in an overall yield of 64% was synthesized by the reduction of 4 using novel Noyori reagent. The structures of the product and all key intermediates were characterized by 1H NMR and MS spectra. Reaction conditions were optimized including the type of catalysts, reaction temperature and amount of chemicals.
Key words:dihydro-2H-pyran-2,6(3H)-dione;(S)-methyl 5-hydroxy-7-(trimethylsilyl)hept-6-ynoate; reducing agent
作者简介:周丽萍(1984- ),女,浙江黄岩人,助教,硕士,主要从事药物合成工艺、绿色化学技术及制剂开发的研究与教学(E-mail:znongnong@163.com)。
联 系 人: 叶海伟,讲师,博士,主要从事药物及中间体合成及工艺开发(E-mail:yehw@tzvtc.com)。