第 45 卷第 2 期Vol. 45 No. 2
2015 年 4 月Apr 2015


刘 冲,李 珊,杜晓艳,位思梦,芮玉兰* (河北联合大学 化学工程学院,河北 唐山 063004)
摘 要:针对甘油法合成环氧氯丙烷第二阶段-环化阶段的工作,以氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙分别作为碱源,通过平行实验考察了环化阶段的优化工艺条件。氢氧化钠为碱源,反应温度为55℃,反应时间为35 min,n(氢氧化钠)∶n(二氯丙醇)=1.10∶1.00时,环化收率为66.52%;氢氧化钙为碱源,反应温度为80℃,反应时间为10 min,n[1/2Ca(OH)2]∶n(二氯丙醇)=1.10∶1.00时,环化收率为69.52%。
中图分类号:TQ223  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2015)02-0066-04
Study on the Cyclization Reaction in the Synthesis of Epichlorohydrin from Glycerol
LIU Chong, LI Shan, DU Xiao-yan, WEI Si-meng, RUI Yu-lan* (College of Chemical Engineering, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063004, China)
Abstract:The optimal conditions were evaluated for the preparation of epichlorohydrin using sodium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide as the base for the cyclization reaction. When sodium hydroxide was selected as the base, the reaction temperature was 55℃; the reaction time was 35 minutes; and the molar ratio of NaOH to DCP was 1.1∶1.0; the yield for ECH could reach up to 66.52%. When calcium hydroxide was used as the base for the cyclization reaction, the reaction temperature was 80℃; the reaction time was 10 minutes; the molar ratio of 1/2Ca(OH)2 to DCP was 1.1∶1.0; the yield for ECH could reach up to 69.52%.
Key words:glycerin; dichloropropanol; epichlorohydrin
作者简介:刘 冲(1990-),男,河北保定人,硕士,研究方向:精细化学品合成(E-mail:hbliuc@163.com)。
联 系 人:芮玉兰,教授,研究方向:精细化学品合成(E-mail:tsruiyulan@163.com)。