第 45 卷第 4 期Vol. 45 No. 4
2015 年 8 月Aug 2015


徐 成,周爱新,关 东,王桂艳* (佳木斯大学 药学院,黑龙江 佳木斯 154007)
摘 要:以1H吡咯为原料,经三异丙基氯硅烷N-烃化保护后,再与Vilsmeier试剂进行反应得3-醛基-1-H吡咯,再经N-溴代丁二酰亚胺(NBS)溴化与2-氟苯硼酸进行Suzuki偶联反应制得5-(2-氟苯基)吡咯-3-甲醛粗品,粗品用甲苯精制。总收率35.5%。该合成工艺操作简单,条件温和,试剂价廉易得,具有工业化前景。
中图分类号:R975  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2015)04-0046-03
Synthesis of Important Intermediates for Anti-acid Drug Vonoprazan
XU Cheng, ZHOU Ai-xing, GUAN Dong, WANG Gui-yan* (College of Pharmacy, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, China)
Abstract:Vonoprazan important intermediates were prepared in a series of reactions. At first step intermediate 3 was obtained from the reaction of pyrrole with TIPSCl; and then intermediate 3 reacted with Vilsmeier reagents to give intermediate 4; followed by reacted with NBS, intermediate 5 was obtained; Finally, intermediate 5 reacted with 2-fluorophenyl boronic acid by coupling reaction to give the target compound with an overall yield of 35.5%. This process was suitable for industrial production due to the simple procedures, mild reaction conditions and lower cost.
Key words:anti-acid drug; vonoprazan; Suzuki coupling reaction
作者简介:徐 成(1989-),男,重庆人,硕士研究生,研究方向:创新药物分子设计、合成与构效关系研究(E-mail:464890862@qq.com)。
联 系 人:王桂艳,副教授,研究方向:有机合成研究(E-mail:374084560@qq.com)。