第 45 卷第 5 期Vol. 45 No. 5
2015 年 10 月Oct 2015


陈言德,杨 勇,周士阔,吕晓霞 (江苏吴中医药集团有限公司,江苏 苏州 215168)
摘 要:合成了西他沙星及其有关物质D-2,总收率78.7%。并对其进行了MS、HNMR和TG等表征;研究了氢化脱苄的反应条件、缩合反应的后处理优化和脱Boc的盐酸用量,优化的条件为:脱苄反应10%钯炭,回流反应0.5 h,缩合反应后处理溶剂比例v(乙腈)∶v(水)=1∶2,脱Boc的盐酸用量为15 mol倍量。
中图分类号:R978.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2015)05-0030-04
Synthesis of Sitafloxacin and Its Related Substance D-2
CHEN Yan-de, YANG Yong, ZHOU Shi-kuo, L?譈 Xiao-xia (Jiangsu wuzhong pharmaceutical group, Suzhou 215168, China)
Abstract:Sitafloxacin and its related substance D-2 were obtained with a total product yield of 78.7%. The structures of Sitafloxacin and intermediates from the step reactions were confirmed using MS, HNMR and TG. The optimal conditions for each step reaction were as following: in the debenzylation reaction,10% of Pd/C with a reflux time of 0.5 h was adopted; in the post-treatment of condensation reaction, a mixed solvent of water and acetonitrile with a volume ratio of 2∶1 was used; in the deprotection of N-boc reaction, the amount of hydrochloric acid was 15 times of the substrate in mole.
Key words:sitafloxacin; D-2; hydrogenation; debenzylation
收稿日期: 2015-08-2