第 45 卷第 5 期Vol. 45 No. 5
2015 年 10 月Oct 2015


唐子涵1,周 银2,徐 帅2,廖晓云1 (1. 长沙市明德中学,湖南 长沙 410006;2. 中南大学 化学化工学院,湖南 长沙 410083)
摘 要:以L-酒石酸、苯甲酰氯为起始原料,甲苯为溶剂,经过酯化、酐化和水解2步反应得到手性拆分剂一水合-L-苯甲酰酒石酸,并优化了工艺条件。结果表明,在n(L-酒石酸)∶n(苯甲酰氯)=1∶3.1、反应温度为120~125℃、反应时间3.5 h及酸酐水解体系为甲苯/水、n(酸酐)∶n(水)=1∶4、反应温度为100~105℃、水解时间3 h的反应条件下,目标化合物的总收率达84.1%,纯度大于99.5%。该方法反应收率高,后处理简便,污染少,工艺条件易于控制,适合工业生产。
中图分类号:O625  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2015)05-0034-04
Practical Syntheses of L-Dibenzoyltartaric Acid Monohydrate for Chiral Separation Agent
TANG Zi-han1, ZHOU Yin2, XU Shuai2, LIAO Xiao-yun1 (1. Mingde Middle School, Changsha 410006, China; 2. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract:Using L-tartaric acid and benzoyl chloride as starting materials and toluene as the solvent, L-dibenzoyltartaric acid monohydrate was synthesized via esterification, anhydridization and hydrolysis. The influential factors on the reaction yield were evaluated. The optimum reaction conditions were obtained as follows: n(L-tartaric acid):n(benzoyl chloride)=1:3.1, reaction temperature 120~125℃, reaction time 3.5 h; in toluene-water hydrolysis process, n(L-dibenzoyltartaric anhydride):n(water)=1:4, reaction temperature 100~105℃, hydrolysis time 3 h. The target product was synthesized in high yield of 84.1% with high purity of 99.5%. The process has the advantages of high yield, simple operation, low pollution and easy-control process condition, therefore, this method have good prospect in industrial application.
Key words:chiral resolving agents; L-tartaric acid; L-dibenzoyltartaric acid; benzoyl chloride
收稿日期: 2015-08-2