第 45 卷第 5 期Vol. 45 No. 5
2015 年 10 月Oct 2015


牟玉兰,夏 伟,郑大锋,曹维良 (海南科技职业学院 生物与化学工程学院,海南 海口 571126)
摘 要:合成了一种有机氟改性苯丙乳液,研究了乳化剂用量、引发剂用量、交联单体用量、氟单体用量对乳液稳定性及附着力的影响。结果显示,乳化剂用量为0.8%~1.0%,引发剂用量为0.8%,交联单体用量为3%,氟单体用量为16%时,制备的改性苯丙乳液具有良好的稳定性,在马口铁上的附着力为11.7 MPa。膜层具有良好的耐水性和耐油性,铅笔硬度为2H,与水之间的接触角为118.2°。所制备的膜层在油水分离中具有一定的应用前景。
中图分类号:TQ630.4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2015)05-0049-05
Preparation of Styrene-acrylic Emulsion and Its Application on Filter Paper
MOU Yu-lan, XIA Wei, ZHENG Da-feng, CAO Wei-liang (School of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, Hainan Institute of Science and Technology, Haikou 571100, China)
Abstract:A modified styrene-acrylic emulsion was synthesized, and the effect of the weight ratios of emulsifier, initiator, crosslinking agent and fluorine monomer on the stability and adhesion of the emulsion were evaluated. The results showed that, in a typical reaction process with following conditions: the amount of emulsifier was 0.8~1.0%; the usage of APS was 0.8%; the usage of crosslinking monomer was 3%; the usage of fluorine monomer was 16%, the obtained emulsion was stable and the adhesion on tinplate was 11.7 MPa. The properties of films prepared from the emulsion were as follow: excellent water and oil resistance with a pencil hardness of 2H, the contact angle between water droplet and the film of 118.2°. The study presents that the film has some potential applications in the oil-water separation.
Key words:modified styrene-acrylic emulsion; oil-water separation; stability; hydrophobic
基金项目: 海南省自然科学基金资助项目(20155202)。
作者简介: 牟玉兰(1985-),女,四川达州人,讲师,主要从事高分子乳液的合成与应用(E-mail:407484467@qq.com)。
收稿日期: 2015-10-1