第 32 卷第 3 期 | | Vol. 32 No. 3 | 2002 年 6 月 | Jun 2002 |
耐水耐冻白乳胶生产新工艺探索 |
盘永才(永州职业技术学院; 湖南永州) |
摘 要:改进普通白乳胶的生产工艺 ,添加改性剂等原料组份 ,能成功地生产出一种低温下不胶凝的改性白乳胶。这种白乳胶的耐水性、耐热性和耐冻性均比普通白乳胶有显著的提高 ,其实际用途和使用范围均更广。 |
关键词:白乳胶; 改性; 耐水; 耐冻 |
中图分类号:TQ433.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-9212(2002)03-0038-02 |
A New Tehchnological study on waterpoof cold-compare |
Pan Yong-cai.(Yongzhou Vocational-Technical college; Yongzhou 425000; China) |
Abstract:By improving the process of production and adding modification agent, a new kind of white emulsion was produced. It doesn't solidify at low temperature with the significant improvement in heat-resistance, waterproof and cold-compare,and would be used widely and be fit for more actual environments. |
Key words:white emulsion; modification; water-proof; cold-compare |
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