第 46 卷第 1 期Vol. 46 No. 1
2016 年 2 月Feb 2016


刘 楝,周淑晶* (佳木斯大学 药学院,黑龙江 佳木斯 154007)
摘 要:以奎尼丁为起始原料,经钯碳氢化、三乙胺/乙酰氯酰化,再由三溴化硼催化脱甲基化得到奎尼丁催化剂,3步反应总收率为74%,并对最后一步进行优化,收率由最初40%提高到89%。最终催化剂化学结构经1H NMR及MS确证。该合成路线步骤短、条件温和,具有良好的工业应用前景。
中图分类号:O643.36  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2016)01-0050-03
Synthesis of Cinchona Alkaloids Catalysts
LIU Lian, ZHOU Shu-jing* (College of Pharmacy, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, China)
Abstract:The quinidine catalyst was synthesized through a series of reactions including hydrogenation, acylation, and demethylation with a total yield of 74% using quinidine as the starting material. The structure of the final product was confirmed by 1H NMR and MS. This synthesis route promised a good future and could be further applied in industry as being more efficient.
Key words:organocatalysis; quinidine; acylation; demethylation
作者简介: 刘 楝(1989-),男,黑龙江双鸭山人,硕士研究生,研究方向:创新药物分子设计、合成与构效关系研究(E-mail:312486189@ qq.com)。
联 系 人:周淑晶,教授,研究方向:有机合成(E-mail:513587264@qq.com)。
收稿日期: 2016-02-1