第 32 卷第 3 期Vol. 32 No. 3
2002 年 6 月Jun 2002


何晓梅(湖南建材高等专科学校化工系; 湖南衡阳)
摘 要:提出了由铅氧化成氢氧化铅、碱式碳酸铅 ,与醋酸反应生成醋酸铅再通入二氧化碳反应生成碳酸铅 ,经灼烧制红丹的新工艺。克服了原工艺能耗大、产生大量有毒废水及有毒粉尘等缺点。产品红丹含量达98.36 %。
关键词:红丹; 碳酸铅; 醋酸铅
中图分类号:TQ134.3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2002)03-0027-02
Study on the New Technology of Red Lead
He Xiao-mei.(Hunan Building Materials College; Hengyang 421008; China)
Abstract:A new tachnology of making red lead are presented. Lead is oxidized to plumbous hydroxide,to produce basic lead carbonate by carbon dioxide, then lead acetate is made with acetic acid. Lead carbonate is produced from lead acetate and carbon dioxide.The disadvantages of the present general method of producing red lead, for example,large energy-consuming,poisonous water and powder,environment pollution and poor working conditions were over come.
Key words:red lead; lead carbonate; lead acetate