第 47 卷第 4 期Vol. 47 No. 4
2017 年 8 月Aug 2017


刘 熠 (沈阳化工研究院有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110021)
摘 要:以硝硫混酸作为硝化剂,与异辛醇在微通道反应器中经硝化反应得到硝酸异辛酯。考察了反应温度、混酸配比、硝酸浓度、停留时间、反应物配比对产品收率的影响,优化出微通道反应器中合成硝酸异辛酯的适宜工艺条件,硝酸异辛酯的收率97.8%,纯度达99.5%。微通道反应器连续法合成硝酸异辛酯具有操作简单、反应时间短、收率高、安全可靠等优点,具有工业化应用前景。
中图分类号:TQ460.3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2017)04-0055-04
Continuous Synthesis of Isooctyl Nitrate in Microchannel Reactor
LIU Yi (Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110021, China)
Abstract:Using a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids as nitrating agent, isooctanol was nitrated in a microchannel reactor to give isooctyl nitrate. The effects of reaction temperature, ratio of mixed acid, concentration of nitric acid, residence time and ratio of reactants on the yield of the product were investigated. The optimum conditions for the synthesis of isooctyl nitrate in microchannel reactor were tested. The yield of product reached 97.8%, the purity reached 99.5%. This continuous synthesis of isooctyl nitrate in microchannel reactor had the advantages of simple operation, short reaction time, high conversion rate, high yield, safe and reliable, and had the prospect for industrial application.
Key words:microchannel reactor; nitrification; cetane number improver; isooctyl nitrate
作者简介:刘 熠(1984-),男,辽宁沈阳人,工程师,硕士,研究方向:化学反应工程与工艺研究(E-mail:liuyi@sinochem.com)。