第 48 卷第 1 期Vol. 48 No. 1
2018 年 2 月Feb 2018


梁光平,杨 俊,聂昌平,陈东林,丁丽娜,万路平 (遵义医药高等专科学校 药学系,贵州 遵义 563006)
摘 要:以去氢表雄酮和卤代苯甲醛为起始原料,在氢氧化钾和乙醇反应体系条件下以74.8%~98.1%的收率合成了9个16-卤代苯亚甲基去氢表雄酮衍生物。所有目标产物均未见文献报道,其结构经MS、1H NMR及元素分析表征确证。
中图分类号:R914.4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2018)02-0045-04
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of 16-(Halogenated Benzylidene) Derivatives of
LIANG Guang-ping, YANG Jun, NIE Chang-ping, CHEN Dong-lin, DING Li-na, WAN Lu-ping (Department of pharmacy, Zunyi Medical and Pharmaceutical College, Zunyi 563006, China)
Abstract:Nine 16-(halogenated benzylidene) derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone, which were not reported in the literature, were synthesized using dehydroepiandrosterone and corresponding halobenzaldehydes as start materials, potassium hydroxide as the catalyst, and ethanol as the solvent. The yields for the target derivatives were in the range between 74.8% and 98.1%. The structures of products were confirmed using MS, 1H NMR and elemental analysis.
Key words:dehydroepiandrosterone; halobenzaldehyde; derivatives