第 48 卷第 2 期 |  | Vol. 48 No. 2 | 2018 年 4 月 | Apr 2018 |
MnO2催化Fenton氧化预处理2,4-D农药生产废水 |
马 林1,2,张 燕1,2,秦岳军1,2,陈 灿1,2,邱德跃1,2,刘 欢1,2,干兴利1,2,钟若楠1,2,张海涛1,2
(1.湖南化工研究院有限公司 国家农药创制工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙410014;2. 农用化学品湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410014) |
摘 要:以MnO2催化Fenton氧化为主要技术,采用酸析-催化Fenton氧化-絮凝组合工艺预处理2,4-D农药生产废水,考察了酸化废水和碱性废水的配比、催化剂种类、MnO2投加量、H2O2投加量对组合工艺COD去除率和挥发酚的影响。结果表明,酸化废水和碱性废水的配比为2∶1,催化剂MnO2的催化效果较好,MnO2投加量为0.3%,H2O2投加量为5%,催化Fenton氧化2 h后,COD去除率达75.1%,挥发酚降至25 mg·L-1,挥发酚去除率达99.8%以上,且该组合工艺回收了原料固体8.6 kg·t-1左右。 |
关键词:MnO2;催化Fenton氧化;2,4-D农药生产废水;原料回收 |
中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2018)02-0069-04 |
Pretreatment of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Pesticide Wastewater by Fenton Oxidation with Manganese Dioxide |
MA Lin1,2, ZHANG Yan1,2, QIN Yue-jun1,2, CHEN Can1,2, QIU De-yue1,2, LIU Huan1,2, GAN Xing-li1,2, ZHONG Ruo-nan1,2, ZHANG Hai-tao1,2
(1. National Engineering Research Center for Agrochemicals, Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Changsha 410014, China; 2. Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Agrochemicals, Changsha 410014, China) |
Abstract:Based on Fenton oxidation catalyzed by manganese dioxide (MnO2), 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic pesticide wastewater was pretreated by a combination process of acidification, catalyzed Fenton oxidation and flocculation. Factors including the proportion of acidified wastewater and alkaline wastewater, the type of catalyst and the addition of MnO2 and H2O2 were investigated. The results showed that the best ratio of acidified wastewater and alkaline wastewater was of 2∶1; the catalyst MnO2 was the best catalyst; the addition of MnO2 was 0.3%; and the addition of H2O2 was 5%; Under the best conditions, the COD removal rate was 75.1%, the volatile phenol was reduced to 25 mg·L-1, and its removal rate was 99.8 %. Moreover,from this combination process solid raw material recovered was about 8.6 kg·t-1. |
Key words:MnO2; catalyzed Fenton oxidation; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic wastewater; material recovery |
作者简介:马 林(1985-),女,湖南常德人,助理研究员,硕士,研究方向:污水处理与水污染控制工程(E-mail:matiee6666@163.com)