第 48 卷第 4 期Vol. 48 No. 4
2018 年 8 月Aug 2018


周锦萍1,2,李 萍1,2,王 燕1,2,高云英1,2 (1. 湖南化工研究院有限公司,国家农药创制工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410014;2.农用化学品湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410014)
摘 要:基于双氯甲酸二甘醇酯中光气与甲醇钠的甲醇溶液反应生成碳酸二甲酯,以氯苯为内标,采用气相色谱内标法测定双氯甲酸二甘醇酯中光气含量。方法的线性回归方程为y=6.247 9x + 0.019 7,相关系数为r2=0.999 8;回收率98.273%~101.53%;标准偏差为0.000 84,变异系数为1.17%。
中图分类号:O657.7+1  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2018)04-0067-03
Determination of Phosgene in Diethyleneglycol-bis-chloroformate
ZHOU Jin-ping1,2, LI Ping1,2, WANG Yan1,2,GAO Yun-ying1,2 (1. National Engineering Research Center for Agrochemicals, Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Changsha 410014, China; 2. Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Agrochemicals, Changsha 410014, China)
Abstract:Phosgene reacted with sodium methoxide to form dimethyl carbonate in methanol at low temperature. Chlorobenzene was used as internal standard, the content of phosgene in diethyleneglycol-bis-chloroformate was determined by internal standard method of GC. The experimental date showed that this method had a linear equation of y=6.247 9x+0.019 7, r2=0.999 8, a recovery of 98.27%~101.53%, a RSD of 0.000 84, and the coefficient of variation of 1.17%.
Key words:phosgene; diethyleneglycol-bis-chloroformate; GC