第 48 卷第 6 期Vol. 48 No. 6
2018 年 12 月Dec 2018


罗铭宇,张丽娜,杨海艳,段红珍 (中北大学 理学院 化学系,山西 太原 030051)
摘 要:近年来,砷污染已成为一个全球性环境问题,采取有效的方法去除废水中的砷已受到广泛关注。简单介绍了砷污染的来源、危害及其存在形式,重点综述了除砷的几种主要方法:化学沉淀法、离子交换法、生物法、膜分离法和吸附法,并提出高分子膜材料与吸附剂结合的吸附膜技术是有效处理水体中砷的发展方向。
中图分类号:X703.1  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2018)06-0001-05
Research Progress and Prospects of Arsenic Removal from Wastewater
LUO Ming-yu, ZHANG li-na, YANG Hai-yan, DUAN Hong-zhen (Department of Chemistry, School of Science, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China)
Abstract:In recent years, arsenic pollution has become a global environmental problem, and effective methods for removing arsenic from wastewater have received widespread attention. The sources, hazards and forms of arsenic contamination were briefly introduced in this paper. Several main methods such as chemical precipitation, ion exchange, biological, membrane separation and adsorption for arsenic removal were summarized. Moreover, the adsorption membrane technology combining polymer membrane material and adsorbent is proposed to be the development direction for the treatment of arsenic in water.
Key words:arsenic pollution; wastewater; arsenic removal method; research development
联 系 人:段红珍,副教授,主要从事功能材料的研究(E-mail:duanhz2000@163.com)。