第 49 卷第 3 期Vol. 49 No. 3
2019 年 6 月Jun 2019


朱 鹏,徐刚亮,刘志勇* (江苏剑牌农化股份有限公司,江苏 建湖 224700)
摘 要:以甲酰胺与水合肼为原料,采用液面下滴加水合肼、引入乙二醇作为反应溶剂、应用结晶-过滤-漂洗-烘干的后处理方式,合成了1氢-1,2,4-三氮唑,并对其合成工艺条件进行了研究。优化的反应条件为:m(乙二醇)=50% m(水合肼),n(甲酰胺)∶n(水合肼)=2.1∶1.0,反应温度为168℃,反应时间为120 min。优化条件下,三氮唑收率为86.8%(以甲酰胺计三氮唑)或91.1%(以水合肼计),产品含量为98%,m.p.120~121℃。副产氨水中甲酰胺的含量为0.2%,水合肼的含量为0.1%。
中图分类号:TQ21  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2019)03-0007-05
Improvement of Yield and Quality of 1H-1,2,4-Triazole
ZHU Peng, XU Gang-liang, LIU Zhi-yong* (Jiangsu Sword Agrochemicals Co., Ltd., Jianhu 224700, China)
Abstract:1H-1,2,4-Triazole was synthesized as follows: formamide and hydrazine hydrate were used as raw materials, the hydrazine hydrate was added under the liquid surface, ethylene glycol was used as the reaction solvent, and crystallization-filtration-rinsing-drying was applied as the post-processing method. The parameters of the reaction were optimized. Optimal conditions were as followings: m(ethylene glycol) = 50% m(hydrazine hydrate), n(formamide)∶n(hydrazine hydrate)=2.1:1.0, reaction temperature of 168℃, reaction time of 120 min. The experimental results showed that the yield of triazole calculated based on the amount of formamide was up to 86.8%, the yield of triazole calculated based on the amount of hydrazine hydrate was up to 91.1%, the purity of product was of 98% with a melting point range of 120 to121℃. The concentrations of formamide and hydrazine hydrate were 0.2% and 0.1% in the by-product ammonia water, respectively.
Key words:triazole; formamide; hydrazine hydrate; ethylene glycol
作者简介:朱 鹏(1989-),男,江苏滨海人,硕士研究生,研究方向:农药合成及工艺研究(E-mail:zhupeng@swordchem.com)。
联 系 人:刘志勇,高级工程师,研究方向:农药合成及工艺研究(E-mail:liuzhiyong@swordchem.com)。